Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Adoption Date!

On June 16th we received the news that our adoption was finalized in Ethiopia!!!! WE have a son! The next opportunity is for his TB test to come back clear and than we will have date for travel!
This journey has been one of the most exciting of our lives. At times it can be discouraging if you do not hold on to Hope. Hope is believing even when the outcome can not be seen. It is courage to endure when the quiet and waiting are deafening. To know that in God's time an answer will come.
Our faith has grown during this time. It has been amazing to see the hand of God move in the financing of our adoption. The people whom we have come to love that walked this path with us. To see our character grow and develop and learning how to fill in lots of forms :)
We will keep you posted as news comes in on travel dates.
Thank you for your support and prayers. We covet those and continue to ask you to pray for our son and all the transition he will face in the days, weeks and months ahead.
May God richly bless you as you have blessed us.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankful Praise

Summer is here and we have news! A court date has been set for June 16th and if all goes well we could travel in July or early August! This is an answer to much prayer! We still need to get approval and are praying that all paperwork is to the satisfaction of the court.
Another amazing answer to prayer is we received another grant! Our God is so good!
We are in a tizzy of excitment and gratitude to our Father for all he has done and continues to do! So join us in thankful praise!
Will keep you udated in the days to come.